FR: Apres la semaine intensif avec le preparation pour l'exposition photos j'avais bessoin prendre une pause pour relaxation. Et juste par chance Medi (garcon qui on a rencontré au café lecture) nous proposé aller chez lui, rester dans la maison de sa mer à cote Avignon, en Provence. Moi, j'ai aimé bien cette ideé et on est parti. Moi et trois garçon (Medi, Thomas et Axel). Et de partir de tout le debut il y avait les signes que le voyage va etre difficile. Mrd. Je n'aime pas le Facebook. Ca peut être trés pratique parfois, mais ca doit être interdite pendant les vacances. C'est dommage parce que Medi avec Axel ont passé beaucoup de temps sur Facebook devant les ordinateurs.

Mais. Il faut n'être pas trés negatif. On est sorti et on a vu les choises trés trés jolie. Mais encore, on est sorti trop tard et apres 30min le nuit est tombé et c'etait trop sombre pour voir qqch.
Nous avons visiteés Marseille et c'etait vraiment super! On a vu les autres voluntaires, mangé trés trés bien, visité Irish pub, juste dommage que sans la musique rock mais pop hits.
Enfin de la voyage moi et Thomas nous avons eu beaucoup de malentendus et ce n'etais pas une fasson agreable pour finir notre voyage. Mais en moment quand on est rentré à la maison à Brioude on a bien discuté avec une tasse du thé chaud, tranquille et patient. Ca c'est comment on apprend et developpe. Il y a rien grave, c'est toujour l'experience.
EN: After intensive week of preparation for my photo exhibition i felt like having a pause of relaxation. And just by chance Mehidi (new arrival in Brioude) proposed us to go with him in south of France to stay in his mothers house and visit the Provence region. Sounded good enough to me and so I went. I and three boys including Thomas. And from the very beginning of the trip it gave some bad signs to be too complicated for relaxation holidays. Damn I really hate Facebook, no matter how convenient sometimes it is but during holidays it should be forbidden. It is a sad truth that third part of the day Medi and Axel spent on facebook.
However I shouldn't be too negative, we did went out and saw some breathtaking views, but again we went out too late and in 30min the spectacular views were sunk in the darkness of the night.
We visited Marseille, it was great. We met some other volunteers, had amazing dinner and went out to the Irish pub. In my big disappointment without an irish music, but world wide known pop hits.
In the end of the trip me and Thomas had a big lava field of misunderstandings which was not at all pleasant way to end the holidays. But the moment I entered my home at Brioude things seemed to be coming back to their places, had a long talk with Thomas, cleared up everything which was misunderstood and that shows clearly that cup of warm tea and calm clear conversation is the way to set things right. And there is nothing wrong to have some things go wrong because that is always an experience and the way to learn and develop.